Brenda's Child

Sunday, May 1, 2016

A change gon' come

Wow, it's been a whole two months since I've written! Excuse my lateness! I blame it on many new things have been blossoming for me, both blessings and lessons. The lesson I'm currently learning is to keep my emotional cup full. Usually I'm pretty good about self-care, making time for me, for family, for friends, for work, for fun. I'm great with making time for my physical, and definitely my spiritual.  What I found out I sucked at is understanding that sometimes it's okay to put my feelings over other people's feelings. I'm such an empath that often I feel people's pain to a point of physical discomfort, but recently I've had to remind myself that my feelings matter too; particularly with grown people. There are several people in my life who take advantage of my kindness, who take my emotional strength or my financial generosity for granted. Of course, me being who I am, I always try to see things from their perspective... until lately. This is because I'm noticing that they really don't give a fuck about my feelings. Seriously! 
So as painful this was, I had to put my foot down and make some changes. Hopefully, upon reflection, they will understand but if not, too bad. I'm abusing myself by letting people take advantage of me, whether it's business or personal. I sit back and remain in silent misery just so someone else won't feel bad. I mean one day I was in literal tears because I couldn't understand how people can be like that, totally inconsiderate of my feelings.  But now that I've made my point clear and stood my ground, I feel wonderful. I do know that this will be a constant struggle for me though because I'm a natural nurturer, but in 2016, I'm gonna let grown people nurture themselves!

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