Brenda's Child

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So I've been reading DEEPAK CHOPRA's SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUCCESS. And one of them is obvious, KARMA. Well, I've always believed in karma and practiced it. But I've been really busy focusing on my book, so I have had less time to focus on others. So while my heart has been it, my body hasn't. So I've decided it's time to share some of that self-esteem I claim to be the Queen of. It's time to share some of the empowerment I have, and give some of the guidance I have been giving. I've decided to spend some time this summer doing what I 've been wanting to do for a while, and that is helping my "in between" women. You know the one's who are legally grown, but don't have a clue about what it really means. The ones who need to find themselves. So I've developed a 5 week lecture/workshop series covering self-worth, career,relationships, and health. My goal is to develop strong, powerful, fearless and goal-oriented women. The title of the series is called,"She Got Her Own." More details are sure to follow, but email me for any questions.

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