Brenda's Child

Monday, January 31, 2011

Procrastination= FEAR

If you read my new year's blog you'll know that I really want to get a literary agent for my memoir this year. Well, my goal for January was to submit a query to at least 6 agents. After starting the research in December, I stalled all month... afraid. Then I had to ask myself, afraid of what? The worst thing that can happen is that I am rejected. Okay, no one likes rejection, but what do you do?  You dust yourself off, get back on the horse and keep it moving. Sometimes it's hard to talk ourselves out of procrastination and out of fear. Last week I had to face my fear. The worst case scenario is that I would still be a teacher who loves to write, and self-publish books in her spare time, but my world would not end, so big deal! Sure I have dreams and I want to accomplish a lot, but the bottom line is if I take NO ACTION towards my goals, well, then I cannot complain if I am stuck in the same situation next year.  Long story short, once I faced this truth, I sent off 7 query letters. My heart fluttered when I sent two in particular...hope it means something.
What about you, what have you been procrastinating about???

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