Brenda's Child

Sunday, October 24, 2010


This past week was actually one of the toughest I've had in a while. I just felt a tremendous amount of pressure (some of it self-imposed) at work, at home, and with all of my projects. On top of that, I started out the week exhausted. I drive to Philadelphia, PA to do two book signings in one day and drive back the next day to host poetry ( after 5 hours of being on the road.) I wasn't sleeping well because I wasn't taking the time I needed to be still. But as the universe and God will have it, I went to a conference which focused on dealing with girls in the juvenile justice system. The guest speaker was Susan Taylor, former editor of ESSENCE magazine. Well, I wanted to see her because she is a role model to me, a single mother who made things happen. Now she's a successful author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. All stuff I aspire towards. Her message was just what I needed to hear. She said that we have to fill our cup up before we can give to others. She talked about being still so the answers we need will come to us. Now if u read my previous blogs, you'll see I've been writing about this all year long. But every now and then I need to reminded, have a review course on these things. I allowed myself to temporarilyy be taken away from the peacefulness of meditation, from being in the moment for each moment. Because of that I was walking around feeling cranky like I didn't have enough time or energy left in each day to do anything, and finally, I became physically sick and nauseous from it. Susan Taylor bought me back, gave me the booster shot I needed. So today, I did laundry. But it wasn't until I slept as long as I needed, and after I refused to give myself a deadline anything. Today I was free of worry, and of what next. And I am truly grateful for this.

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