Brenda's Child

Sunday, August 29, 2010


So...last week marked the start of a new school year and the first week of training for teachers. To my surprise and delight, the training was on meditation. That's right, they wanted us, teachers, to learn how to "BREATHE" and teach our students to do so. Of course, we had some closed- minded teachers who refused to "BREATHE" with us, and some who felt it conflicted with religion, but I was all for it. If you've read my previous blogs, you know that this year has been all about me taking time to be still and really listen to my spirit. What tickled me was that science is finally catching on to the ancient concept and now we teachers are being taught to use it as a tool to improve learning and behavior. While some of it was a review for me, I was still reminded of its benefits. It is nothing like starting the morning out with a purpose and a focus of how you want your day to go. I remember once I asked myself  "What do you really want?" before going into meditation, and I literally heard my spirit, not my mind ( I hear that chatter all of the time) it shouted "I wanna write full time" Since then I've been filled with energy that pushes me to go for what I really want. I still want to do a lot in life, and I will, but since I was 8, I've wanted to write, and I allowed society, and doubters to push me into something more realistic. But now I'm so focused that I KNOW it will be. What about you? What do u REALLY WANT? If the answer is " I don't know" turn off all of the literal and mental noise and listen to your inner self.

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