Brenda's Child

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Aunty Maya was Right

Whenever I am in need of something nontangible…I give it to someone else. Not with the idea of getting something in return, but I find that it gives me a sense of fulfillment that is equal to or better than what I was craving in the fist place. I’m talking generosity, compassion, affection, patience, joy, peace, and positivity. Like many things, it’s easier said than done, but it truly makes difference. For example, when I’m feeling sad  or hopeless (which is usually after watching the news these days) I try to bring joy and hope to someone else who may need it. So while I’m thinking about the threat of nuclear war or I’m haunted by the death of young person, I start on smaller scale and instill hope for a brighter future for one of the young people I mentor because they aren’t thinking about macro level fear and despair, they are too consumed with it on a personal level. I am considered to be so strong by the people who know me, but I’m human  so sometimes I could use a hug, some affection and compassion. I could reach out an ask for it, and because I know I’ll receive it, I instead apply my energy into being affectionate and compassionate towards those who don’t have the support system I have, who can’t pick up the phone and vent like I can.  On the rare occasion that I feel less than financially
(smirk) that's when I give... clear out my closets and give away clothes, provide transportation for someone who needs it, say yes when asked to donate to St. Jude's at the cash register.  These are acts that you can’t necessarily describe as altruistic because again, I’m totally getting something out of it. But what I think it does remind me to appreciate what I do have in the moment; extend my gratitude to the universe for all that I do have instead of complaining about what I don’t. So next time you're not feeling fly, compliment someone, not feeling confident, give someone  else a pep talk. Try it time and let me know how it works! GIVE
P.S The poem Our Grandmothers by Maya Angelou is where this quote comes from and it is amazing!

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