Brenda's Child

Monday, April 24, 2017

Pu$$y Bashing

I love me some reality television. I mean, it’s so fake, you can’t help but get caught up in it so that you can escape your own reality. Like last week millions of viewers tuned into the Tami Roman vs Evelyn  Lozada battle on Basketball Wives, knowing full and well it was all hype and we would not get the action they teased us with through promos and marathons from previous seasons.

 As a matter of fact, it wasn’t until the last 3 minutes of the show that I raised an eye brow, tilted my head to  the side and mouthed “huh?”   I’m not even going to go into the  background details of their ridiculously trivial beef, you can google it. Basically Tami said Evelyn was hoe because she screwed her way through the NBA, MLB, and NFL, referring to her very public relationships.  I must admit I was disappointed in Tami’s comment (although I do love a good read from her every now and then) because it was total bullshit. I know women who have slept with 3 men in month, never mind a decade. And even if she slept with them all in one day…that’s her business. She is a grown ass woman.  I wrote about this before.  Apparently it's still an issue.
Some argue that the point isn’t that Evelyn slept with various men but that they were all rich athletes. Well, who are we to point the finger? It’s all about your circle. Some women repeatedly date actors or musicians, or street pharmacists. Me, I’m still a sucka for a blue collar ex-thug in a uniform. As I’ve grown older my palate had changed a bit, but hey, we like who we like. Why can’t she like a man who can buy her great shoes, and travels out of town often so she doesn’t have to be bothered? (I really don’t know her reasoning nor do I care). My point is, we already must reject these misogynistic mindsets from women-hating "men", but why in the hell do we have to defend ourselves to other women? Unless a woman is sleeping with your man, who she beds each night
(or day) is up for no one to judge;even if she’s on national television. It’s your pussy, Evelyn, do what you please.

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