Brenda's Child

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Too much talking for my taste

I commend those who work with our youth, either through employment or volunteering, but I am sooooo sick of those who do nothing put point the the school system, at parents, at each other! What good does that do us? The problem exists, period. So instead of looking at each other with condemning eyes, we need to look TO each other for help. It doesn't matter why that kid is a dropout, a drug dealer, or a thief. It doesn't matter if it's because the parents are absent or if they are poor. All of this is secondary. We can focus on the individual root cause AFTER we step in and start to fill what void it food, shelter, parenting, education. If individually, we spent as much time as we do watching T.V., or playing virtual games on internet social sites, as we did outside, on the front lines with our youth, well, then we'd have significantly lower teenage delinquency, pregnancy, and drop out rates. That's the reality of it all. Just a few hours a week with a child other than your own, who really needs it can make all of the difference in the world. Our teens, especially those 14 and over, are lost, without any vision of a future, and we need to get them back. We need to stop and speak to that kid we see skipping school at 9 am, we need to attend and create community events and show support to those who are doing things. There's so much work to be done, but " Many hands make light work."

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