I think the worst thing we can do to ourselves is to stop growing. I mean in every capacity… professionally, spiritually, personally. Yet people constantly do it. They settle in at a job because it pays the bills but never do they try to discover their true purpose. OR they follow the same bible and same God their mother did without trying to find meaning in it themselves. OR they have the mentality that they are who they are and nobody can change. They are right, no one can change it but themselves. People really don’t know what true happiness they are missing out on by remaining stagnant. You constantly have to grow, or like plants, you stop being beautiful, wither and die. Everything that happens to us or that we MAKE happen helps us to grow. But we have to seek ways in which to do so.
I was raised Christian, my grandmother slept with a bible underneath her pillow and prayed every night, so I prayed every night. When the bible was quoted, I believed it. But as I grew older I realized spirituality was much more than that, I learned about energy and mindfulness. I still believe in a higher power, but I also believe in my personal power. I read and talk to people of sustenance for my personal growth and I challenge myself in all areas, not for rewards and accolades, but because I am able to learn from whatever risks I take. It is through this growth I’ve developed a sense of personal awareness that many people lack. They don’t really know who they are, or what they believe. They can’t recognize when they are overcompensating or envious. Through learning and new experiences we can then self-reflect, and when you know better….you do better. It’s spring, flowers are in full bloom, shouldn’t you be too?
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