Brenda's Child

Friday, July 18, 2014

One in a Million

Once again, I strayed from my blog due to my hectic life. That and I really love writing on paper with a pen so much more. It just is what it is. While I can say that right now I am oozing with gratitude, my heart is burdened with the fact that so many people I  know and care about are not living their best life. Either they are complacent (not content, but complacent) with working a 9 to 5 and paying bills, never dreaming or attempt more, or they are holding onto so much to the past, they cannot allow themselves to be happy. Either way, I watch them and it saddens me emotionally. But makes me feel suffocated for them.  We all have this inner power to create the life we want, but for some, it’s power never tapped into.  Sometimes you want to shake them and say, forgive, let it go, or take the talent and show it with the world! Damn it!

                When I become this frustrated, I have to detach myself, remind myself that it is their path, and only they must walk it.  Then I will myself into accepting it by focusing on the people are dreaming about it and doing it. Surround and immerse myself around people who are so vibrant, bold, and happy, that I have no choice but to not focus on the ones who aren’t. Still, it's a challenge when you see someone as a star, a unique a dynamo of fire, but they only see themselves as one of millions instead of one in a million.

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