Happy New Year! I may not be where I want to be, but my spirit knows it is exactly where it is SUPPOSED to be. In 2009, I finally published my first novella, "Despite Everything" a story that I first began writing at 14. I also published my second poetry collection, where I held back nothing. ( Pat on my back.) I finished the District-based licensure course to earn my second teaching license. I lost an unsightly 15 pounds. I completed my masters in Nonprofit Management and Philanthropy. But this year I need to take these accomplishments to the next level...I need to learn how to follow through. I published those books, but I didn't push hard to PUBLICIZE it. MARKET it. So what good is the book if no one really reads it other than my small circle of friends and fans? And 5 of those pounds I gained back during my struggles in November with family death/sickness. I gotta get on my grind. Not just go hard, but go my HARDEST!!!! I'm putting it out there to hold myself accountable, and to hold you accountable for holding me accountable.
This year:
I'm gonna release 15 more pounds, and keep it release!!!!!! Which isn't tough considering I used to be an 18 and now I'm a 12. I want to be a 10, borderline 8, so I have to gain control over my emotional eating and learn to deal with death in a more healthy manner. I will go back to those good habits I lost, like avoiding fast, fried foods, processed foods, and white pasta and bread. At work, I will commit to sitting at my desk, listen to Jill Scott and eat my lunch slowly and consciously, because I deserve those few minutes in the middle of my day. I will be teaching a workout class twice a week, so that's great. I will challenge myself with yoga, consistently. I have to return to my strength and resistance training. I will workout 5days a week...PERIOD!
I am going to find a way to finance publicizing my books. I will travel out of state to spread it around. For my 32nd birthday, I will release my memoir, which I think I may want to look into getting an agent for. I gotta get to my girl Oprah before she goes off the air. I love my fan base here, but I want the world to read and be inspired by my poetry and stories. I will visit my friend's cities first, to make connects. I will continue to be a walking advertisement for my art. I will have to do fewer shows for free so I can finance my dreams, time is precious. This also means fewer dunkin' donuts and more coffee brewing.
I will focus more on prayer and stillness so that I can be centered as I push myself to soar to great heights. So that I will have patience with my son, my family, my students, my friends, and myself. Every morning I will stretch, meditate, thank Jesus, and read everything on my vision board outloud as a reminder to be productive that day.
I will tell people I love them when I do. I've been through so much losing people, and I have to realize I have no control over that. I can only control how much I love them and how I show them while they are here.
I will take risks with my career path. I will either enroll in an administrator program to become a principle, or find a doctorate program. I will establish my youth program as a legal entity. I will not let fear allow me to procrastinate any longer. (But to be honest, I'm so set on reaching my goals as a writer, my future career steps are not quite crystal clear; I know I can't stay still.)
In my efforts to live a long healthy life....I am giving up hard liquor! What?? Yes, I am. I will still indulge occasionally in a Corona Light, or some Lambrusco (or Reisling, or Pino), but I am serious. It's a bunch of empty calories, and then it slows me down the next day, which means that I am being less productive.
I think that's all...for now. It's actually not a lot if I take it one day at a time, and know that you can only break habits if you make new ones.
I wish the best for you all and just want you to really LIVE. It's never too late to live out your dreams as long as you're breathing. So find yourself, and make it happen!
This is wonderful and I bet you'll hit every goal you set for this year!