So...almost two months into my new year, and I have to say, I'm still excited and very proud of myself. First, I have stuck to the wine and beer only thing, which was tough in the beginning, but I have officially been able to say no to the Grey Goose. Secondly, I have really slowed down on my lunch break and made time for myself. As a result, I am a lot more peaceful and less scatter-brained.
I've been really consistent with my morning ritual (except some weekends where I PLAN to be unproductive and lazy.) And I have officially kicked my dunkin' donuts habit, saving myself $40 bucks a month. I actually LOVE my homemade coffee, and brewing it is apart of my morning ritual.
What am I most excited about... the fact that I brought myself 5 pairs of jeans, all a size 10!!!! Yes, that's right, I released 8 unnecessary pounds. I am really on my way. I have to say, I've done well with the healthy habits, but I have partaken in takeout. Not to make excuses, but a sista is busy working three jobs, mommying, and mentoring. However, I noticed I crave it less, and eat less when I do. My appetite has noticeably decreased...awesome!
As far as my book, I'm making steady progress. ( more than 3/4 done) It's tough writing about yourself. It's coming together just how I envisioned, though more slowly, thanks to real life. But my illustrator working on the cover and I plan to be done very soon.
I've had trouble with telling folks I love them. I know it's probably some deep-rooted issue. My son is the only it comes easy for. Everyone else gets in cards and thank you letters. But to actually vocalize it is tough. Still working on it.
I've decided to get another teaching license in either English or History to go along with my special education license. The more marketable, the better.
In the fall, I 'm looking at going for that Ph.D. (Maybe) I've already contacted a program, but I need to make sure I'm really committed before I begin. In the meantime, my Diva Showcase is this year.
But I will get my certification as a Zumba instructor in April.
I love to set and reach goals, it's exciting to complete one thing and move on to the next. I'm happy that I am content with my ambition right now because often times I'm frustrated with it.
So far, I guess I would say, once again...I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
What about you? How are u doing?
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